The global Forest Carbon database (ForC) is an open access database compiled and maintained by Dr. Kristina Anderson-Teixeira’s Ecosystems & Climate Lab at the Smithsonian.
ForC is the largest database of ground-based measurements of forest ecosytsem carbon stocks and annual fluxes. It contains supplementary data including site information, stand ages, and disturbance history. All data were obtained from published, peer-reviewed sources, as detailed in Anderson-Teixeira et al. (2016) and Anderson-Teixeira et al. (2018).
ForC is updated and maintained in this Github repository and may be visualized using our interactive Shiny app.
Geographical distributions of sites included in ForC-db. Symbols are colored according to the number of records from each site. Underlying map shows coverage of evergreen, deciduous, and mixed forests (from SYNMAP; Jung et al. 2006) and biogeographic zones (Olson et al. 2001). Distribution of sites, plots, and records among biogeographic zones is shown in the inset.
DOE Terrestrial Ecosystem Science grant DE-SC0008085/ DE-SC0010039 to Kristina Anderson-Teixeira, Evan DeLucia, and Benjamin Duval
Smithsonian Women’s Committee grant to Kristina Anderson-Teixeira
Smithsonian Scholarly Studies grant to Kristina Anderson-Teixeira and Helene Muller-Landau